French Chic & Slim
News and Opinion from Anne Barone to Keep You Chic & Slim — INDEX to Previous Nouvelles
image: Cat napping with face in pillow trying to avoid eye ointment treatment.
|| 29 January 2021
Even People You Know
Not long after the latest surge in the virus got underway, my neighbor said to me in some surprise: “Now, even people you know have Covid.”
Yes, and some of them are family members. The older of my two brothers and his wife (and brother’s mother-in-law) all tested positive in the summer. Recently I reported on the cousin saved by the ventilator. Now my other brother, the one whose wife recently passed away, has tested positive. He had something resembling a head cold for a couple of days and now, with two days of quarantine remaining, some raspiness in his throat. Very mild symptoms.
I have not yet been able to get an appointment for the vaccine, but a number of you have emailed that you have received your first shot. Hooray !
Given that the vaccinations are going so slowly — and that so many have had Covid with little discomfort — it would be tempting to purposely expose yourself, have your virus and your quarantine, and achieve (at least partial) immunity.
Then, again . . .
Wednesday I had a phone call telling me that the woman who was my “best friend” in junior high school is hospitalized seriously ill with Covid. I would have predicted that Pat, as well as the cousin still recovering in a very weakened state, would have likely had the virus without serious symptoms.
But you cannot really know until you have the aid of hindsight.
And now with these variants popping up and spreading, a catch-it-and-get-it-over-with scheme seems definitely risky.
So, for the moment, I will continue with precautions and hope that I will be able to have the a vaccination sometime soon.
But this pandemic seems to go on and on. And now here in the USA we have warnings about domestic terrorists.
Life has certainly become adventurous.
be chic, stay slim, stay safe — Anne