|| 25 June 2023

French Summer Fashion

Our Chic & Slim Special Correspondent Kat is back in France. Shopping in Lisieux, she spotted two examples of French summer fashion and sent along a photo with comments.


two women shopping in French market in summer


Image:French Summer Fashion at Lisieux market. Photo by our Chic & Slim Special Correspondent Kat.

Kat wrote:

Shopping in the Lisieux Saturday market is a joy. So much fresh produce - one cherry stall informed prospective buyers that the fruit was family produced, and still on the tree on Wednesday. I told the stall holder that MY cherries were still on the tree this morning, which produced gales of laughter. That’s another lovely thing about shopping in French markets; shoppers are mostly regulars, and the stall holders often know them, which leads to much good natured banter and laughter.

The bright sunlight brought out many frocks like this one - she was also wearing gold trimmed tan leather sandals, and the small cross body bag was navy blue, matching the blue in the frock. A nice detail: with strappy dresses, there is always a bra problem. You can, of course, go braless or wear a strapless bra, but this lady wore a navy blue bra, which, when visible, also matched the dress.

Not so pretty were the large number of women of a certain age, who threw good fashion sense to the winds and appeared in shorts and sleeveless tops. Even when they were slim and tanned (many were neither) it didn’t look good, and covered up is always cooler, in both senses. But, really, so what? It’s summer, they seemed to be saying, the sun’s out, I love the feel of it, and I’ll wear what I want. All too soon, we’ll all be rugged up again!

Merci to Kat for sharing her photo and thoughts about what French women are wearing in the summer heat.