|| 2 July 2023

Notre Dame Restoration

Our Chic & Slim Special Correspondent Kat recently visited Paris. She made a special effort to visit Notre Dame to see how repairs to the cathedral were progressing. Kat sent this photo that shows the progress billboard with the cathedral before the fire on the left — and the cathedral as it is today on the right. In the reflection from the billboard, you can see the crowd visiting the restoration.

restoration progress billboard and crowd at Notre Dame de Paris

Image: restoration progress billboard and crowd at Notre Dame de Paris

Kat included these comments about her visit to Notre Dame:

Whilst in Paris, I decided to see how they are getting on with the repairs to Notre Dame, which are scheduled to be completed next year, 5 years from the date of the fire which did so much damage to this iconic building.

It is still not possible to go inside, but crowds of people were at the site, all the same. Billboards have been erected detailing progress of the works, and I attach pictures showing the cathedral as it was, and as it is today. I learnt that a large number of statues had been removed from the building for restoration prior to the fire, which was extremely fortuitous.

Next year, Paris hosts the Olympics, which is an added incentive to get the restoration completed on schedule. I noticed that works are also being carried out to the Pantheon, so Paris will be putting on its best face in 2024. And I will make sure any visit I schedule next year will be well outside the period in which the Games are taking place!


Notre Dame June 2023


Image: Kat's photo of Notre Dame taken june 2023. If you look closely right above the wall in center of photo, you can see the billboard featured in the upper photo on this page.


much thanks to Kat for sharing photos and comments.